Sunday, August 5, 2012

Starting out- the newbie

Starting out
I'm very excited about starting this new blog.  When I first started in the decor industry I was starving for someone to just share ideas and helpful hints with me. Everyone seemed so guarded and worried that their ideas will be stolen or clients would be pilfered right from under their nose.   When you're first starting out you're still excited and hungry for two things; first an outlet for your creative juices, second to build a business that will make you a millionaire.  Well, we all know that's not going to happen!  But what it will do for you is create a business that you can be creative, make a decent living and have fun doing it.  My advice to a newbie; hang in there, success and a client list will not happen overnight. Relate to your customers in the utmost professional manner and they will come back to your again and again, and treat your competitors with respect and professionalism and they will be there when you need them.